
2020年 3月 28日

Job Description

Positions: English teaching

Time: A semester or an academic year

Location: Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China


Candidate Requirement

  • Native speakers
  • Minimum of a bachelor’s degree (with Chinese authentication); degrees in linguistics, literature and education preferred
  • Proof of no criminal background check (with Chinese authentication)
  • English teaching: TESOL /TEFL required for bachelors/masters
  • Teaching experience in China with reference preferred

    IELTS or TOEFL examiners are preferred


Position Description 

  • 16 teaching hours, 8 office hours per week
  • Classrooms equipped with computer, projector and speaker
  • Curriculum: Language-related courses such as speaking, writing, reading, translation; TOEFL or IELTS courses


Remuneration & Benefits

  • Salary: CNY15,000-25,500 based on previous experience, education, and credentials
  • Insurance: Domestic Medical Insurance provided
  • (One-year) contract completion bonus: round tickets to the home country
  • Work permit: facilitating the work permit application


Cuiying Honors College

Cuiying Honors College (CHC) was founded in August 2010 within Lanzhou University as part of China’s Top-Notch Undergraduate Training Program. The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance of China have invested in this pilot plan in order to develop future leaders with exceptional talent in the academic domain. Every year, this National program admits only the best 1,000 students among the 6 million new undergraduates across China. Lanzhou University is one of only 20 universities implementing this nation-level program.

CHC invites the top undergraduates of Lanzhou University who are entering their sophomore. Each academic year, approximately 80 students are admitted in four elite class respectively in math, physics, chemistry and biology as well as one class in humanities, which could provide students with the best education and resources, including study-abroad opportunities.

On the strength of the advantage of Lanzhou University in the above core disciplines, CHC seeks to explore the effective training methods and prepare enough hardware and software for talented students to commit themselves to scientific research. Since CHC aims to develop future leaders in these core disciplines, it works to foster the international environment by its advanced teaching methods, small size of classes, and undergraduate tutorial system. The College also set the Cuiying Honors Scholarship, specifically to sponsor students to study overseas through joint training programs, research programs, short-term English and culture learning as well as summer schools. One of the goals of CHC is to prepare students to pursue their postgraduate study or research at the world’s best universities and research institutes after they obtain their bachelor’s degree from Lanzhou University.

Lanzhou University

Lanzhou University (LZU) is one of the key universities administrated directly by China’s Ministry of Education, and member among the first batch of “Double First-Class Programme” of China.

With approximately 20,000 undergraduates and over 13,000 graduate students, LZU is continuing its long history of excellence and innovation in a wide range of disciplines including liberal arts, natural sciences, engineering, agriculture and medicine. During its process to promoting the “Double First-Class Programme”, LZU has always attached great importance to both fundamental studies and applied research, centering on four first-class disciplines including chemistry, atmospherics, ecology and pastoral agricultural science.


Lanzhou, Gansu

The city of Lanzhou, where LZU is located, stands at the very heart of China as the pivotal point on the ancient Silk Road, with the fertile valley of Yellow River where Chinese civilization was nurtured. Due to its geographical positions, Lanzhou boasts a fabulous riverside sightseeing and a mixed style of dishes, especially its Beef Noodles enjoying a worldwide fame.

Fascinating tourist spots in other cities of Gansu can easily be explored by day trips from Lanzhou. Located in the Northwest China, Gansu Province is wedged cross three plateaus (Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Loess Plateau, and Inner-Mongolian Plateau) as well as two river basins (Yellow River and Yangtze River). Thanks to its diverse climates and landscapes, natural sceneries can be found in Gansu including grassland, gobi desert, glaciers, snow mountains, Danxia landform, canyons and Karst caves. It also enjoys rich culture heritage, covering Silk Road Culture, Yellow River Culture, the Great Wall Culture, and Ancestral Culture. In 2018 Gansu Province was listed by Lonely Planet as the first of “top 10 best places to visit in Asia”.


For further information about LZU, please log onto www.lzu.edu.cn.



Ms. Du, Cuiying Honors College, Lanzhou University

Email: duyx@lzu.edu.cn




地点:兰州 兰州大学,甘肃省兰州市,中国



  • 母语为英语的人
  • 至少有学士学位(有中文认证);语言学、文学和教育学学位优先
  • 无犯罪背景调查证明(有中文认证)。
  • 英语教学:本科/硕士要求TESOL /TEFL
  • 在中国有教学经验并有证明者优先
  • 有雅思或托福考试成绩者优先考虑


  • 每周16个教学小时,8个办公小时
  • 教室配备有电脑、投影仪和扬声器
  • 课程设置。语言相关课程,如口语、写作、阅读、翻译;托福或雅思课程


  • 工资:15,000-25,500元人民币,根据以往的经验、教育和资历而定
  • 保险。提供国内医疗保险
  • (一年)合同完成奖金:回国的往返机票
  • 工作许可:协助申请工作许可






兰州大学是中国教育部直属的重点大学之一,是中国首批 “双一流 “建设高校的成员。

兰州大学拥有约20,000名本科生和13,000多名研究生,在文科、自然科学、工程、农业和医学等广泛的学科领域继续保持其悠久的卓越和创新历史。在推进 “双一流 “建设的过程中,兰州大学始终高度重视基础研究和应用研究,以化学、大气、生态学和牧业农业科学等四个一流学科为中心。




从兰州出发的一日游可以很容易地探索甘肃其他城市的迷人的旅游景点。甘肃省位于中国西北部,夹在三个高原(青藏高原、黄土高原和内蒙古高原)和两个流域(黄河和长江)之间。由于其多样化的气候和地貌,在甘肃可以找到自然景观,包括草原、戈壁沙漠、冰川、雪山、丹霞地貌、峡谷和喀斯特洞穴。它还享有丰富的文化遗产,涵盖丝绸之路文化、黄河文化、长城文化和祖先文化。2018年,甘肃省被《孤独星球》列为 “亚洲十大最佳旅游地 “之首。



  • 兰州大学萃英学院杜老师
  • 电子邮件:duyx@lzu.edu.cn
